Step 7: Reorganize your closet

Almost done! You nearly reached the end of the path to the perfect wardrobe! Of course there are many ways to organize a closet and everyone should figure out what works best for him. I just want to show you now what I figured out works best for me and for many of my clients. Start with separating winter clothes from summer clothes. If you have enough space in your wardrobe put them in different corners and things that work for both seasons put in between. If your closet is still packed, also we cleared it, get a big luggage, stock the pieces from the not current season in it and store it somewhere out of sight. It’s a great advantage to the dressing procedure, when you only see the items which are wearable in this season. So your attention is not cached by things you love to wear (and if you made everything right there should only be pieces you love to wear) but you can’t because they are way to hot or to cold. You only should look on things you are able to wear if you like. If you have done this, start to sort your clothes by bottoms and tops (dresses belong to tops, if you don’t have enough space to separate them). Afterwards start to separate your clothes by colours, all white shirts etc. together, all red, all black… (I like to pursue this by sort the colour “blocks” afterwards from light colours to dark colours, which is def not necessary but I think it looks good). This sorting by colours is helpful when getting dressed because colours are related to our emotions. Our subconscious mind has a favour for a certain colour, depending on our mood and what it individually connects with this colour. Colours have a strong influence on our feelings. So the first thing we decide, conscious or subconscious, is which colour range we prefer in this moment. It’s good to have all options in that colour at a glance, to make then the decision which style we want now. If you have done this you should have a well organized wardrobe, where you can find every- thing almost blindly and it’s fun to get dressed! Xo Johara

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